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Neovim Configuration with Lua

This tutorial is written to help you configure Neovim using Lua

Why Lua


  • 在安裝完 Neovim 後進入 Neovim 預設的 config 檔案路徑進行設定,後面所有的設定都是發生在這個檔案路徑底下
    • Linux、BSD、macOS 在 ~/.config/nvim/
      cd ~/.config/nvim/
    • Windows 在 ~/AppData/Local/nvim/
      cd ~/AppData/Local/nvim/
  • 如果看完這一篇 Neovim Configuration with Lua 可以獲得利用 Lua 設定 key mappings 跟 options 的能力
  • 如果看完整個 Neovim tutorial 包含 plugins 設定可以獲得長得像這張圖的 Neovim。(最下面那一行是 tmux status bar) Neovim

Directory Structure

使用 Lua 設定 Neovim 時,要可以正確載入 config 檔案,目錄結構會長得類似於下面的範例

~/.config/nvim # [ or ~/AppData/Local/nvim ]
|-- init.lua # [or init.vim (]
|-- lua/
|-- module_a.lua # (e.g. keymaps.lua or options.lua)
|-- plugin-manager.lua
|-- plugins/
|-- init.lua
|-- plugin_a.lua
|-- plugin_b.lua
  • 在 config 檔案路徑下通常會有兩個檔案:
    • init.luainit.vim。這個 init 檔案是設定檔的載入點
      • Neovim 支援在 init.luainit.vim 使用 Lua 或 Vimscript
    • lua/ 資料夾下放置 Lua modules

Code in init.lua or init.vim

init.luainit.vim 中利用 require("<lua_module>") 載入 lua/ 下的 Lua modules。 在下面範例中 optionskeymapsplugin-managersettings 都是 lua/ 下後綴為 .lua 的 Lua 檔案

-- set leader key
vim.g.mapleader = ';'

-- load lua/options.lua, lua/keymaps.lua, and lua/plugin-manager.lua

-- load lua/settings.lua which contains shared configuration values, including the desired colorscheme
local settings = require("settings")

-- set colorscheme
vim.cmd('colorscheme ' .. settings.colorscheme)

Lua Modules

  • 如同前面提到 Neovim 會透過 require("<lua_module>") 載入 Lua modules

    Lua modules are found inside a lua/ folder in your 'runtimepath' (for most users, this will mean ~/.config/nvim/lua on *NIX systems and ~/AppData/Local/nvim/lua on Windows). You can require() files in this folder as Lua modules.

    Place Lua files in the lua/ directory in ‘runtimepath’ and load them with require

  • Lua modules 可以透過不同種的寫法載入

    • Load lua/module_a.lua
    • Load lua/plugins/plugin_a.lua
      -- or
    • Load lua/plugins/init.lua

Key Mappings

  • You can customize Neovim's key bindings by mapping either Vim commands or Lua functions to key sequences
  • You can create a new file named keymaps.lua to hold the mapping code.
    • Place the file in the lua/ directory
    • Load the file in init.lua

keymap Function in Lua

  • Neovim's API vim.api.nvim_set_keymap sets a global mapping for the given mode
  • Function interface: nvim_set_keymap({mode}, {lhs}, {rhs}, {opts})
    • mode: Mode short-name (e.g. n, i, v, …) 要綁定的 mode
    • lhs: Left-hand-side of the mapping. 要把什麼 key 綁定功能(之後使用的快捷鍵)
    • rhs: Right-hand-side f the mapping. 要綁定什麼功能
    • opts: Optional parameters map. 綁定設定,通常會設定 noremapsilent(我沒找到完整的文件 list)
      • noremap 為 true 是指這個 mapping 是 non-recursive,它會直接 map 到rhs 上,把 rhs 當作 literal string of commands 執行,而不會使用 rhs mapping 後的結果
      • silent 為 true 就是不會在 command line 顯示你使用的 rhs ,意即能在使用快捷鍵時不受干擾

Code in keymaps.lua

  • Assign a variable keymap to hold a reference to the function
    local keymap = vim.api.nvims_set_keymap
  • Assign a variable opts to hold opts arguments
    local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
  • Call keymap function
    keymap({mode}, {lhs}, {rhs}, opts)
    • Example: keymap("n", "<C-L>", ":update", opts) means "using Ctrl+l to save file in NORMAL mode"

Move text up and down

keymap("n", "<M-j>", ":m .+1<CR>==", opts) -- Move text down
keymap("n", "<M-k>", ":m .-2<CR>==", opts) -- Move text up

Return to NORMAL Mode Quickly

  • 難以無法割捨的 keymap
keymap("i", "jj", "<ESC>", opts)

Close Buffer

  • 前言:無法滑順地將 buffer 關閉是困擾我許久的問題,幸好最後解決的
    • 如果只用 :bd 關到最後一個的時候會長出 [No name] buffer
    • 滑順地將 buffer 關閉:利用快捷鍵將 buffer 關閉,並在剩下一個 buffer 時關掉整個 window
-- Function to close buffer or window
function Close_buffer_or_window()
local success = pcall(vim.api.nvim_command, 'bd#')
-- Check if there is only one window left
if not success or #vim.api.nvim_list_wins() == 1 then

-- Map a key to call the function to close buffer or window
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<C-\\>", "<CMD>lua Close_buffer_or_window()<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
  • 先跳到下一個 buffer 再利用檢查是否能刪除前一個 buffer 判斷要關閉 buffer 還是關閉整個 window


  • You can customize various options and settings for Neovim.
  • You can create an options.lua file in your Neovim lua directory
    • Place the file in the lua/ directory
    • Load the file in init.lua

A Convenient Way

  • A special interface vim.opt use table indexing to set options
    • Example: vim.opt[key] = value

Code in options.lua

  • Assign a variable options to hold key-value pairs representing the options
    local options = { <opt_key1> = <opt_value2>, ... }
    • Example
      local options = { 
      number = true,
      relativenumber = true,
      smartindent = true,
      smartcase = true,
      termguicolors = true,
      ruler = true,
      cursorline = true,
      encoding = "UTF-8",
      fileencodings = "utf-8",
      smarttab = true,
      expandtab = true,
      shiftwidth = 4,
      tabstop = 4,
      hidden = false,
      statuscolumn = "%s%2r %2l ",
      signcolumn = "yes"
  • Iterate the options table to set options
    for key, value in pairs(options) do
    vim.opt[key] = value